Like most people, I like things that make my life easier. With web development, that goes without saying. There are all sorts of programs and resources out there to help us make the most of our time. I thought I’d put a list together of some of my favourite tools.
- Awesome Screenshot
- This handy plugin for Chrome of FireFox is great for capturing the whole web page instead of just what fits on your screen.
- ColorZilla
- Eyedroppers are handy, but what I really use this most for is the gradient generator.
- W3C Validation Service
- Where would be we without valid code? I shudder to think.
- Achecker
- Checker for accessibility. Remember, accessibility online checkers should be just the starting point as many accessibility issues are situational.
- Colour Contrast Analyzer
- This is another accessibility too.
- Favicon Generator
- Version control. At first I hated it, but I saw how wonderful it would be. Now I love it, knowing how much time it has saved me just by tracking changes. Often I’ve had to implement a change on other sites and having a record has saved me re-working the same solution over again.
- Sublime Text 2
- They only taught us notepad and Dreamweaver in school. Dreamweaver is so bloated and (naturally) I never use the Design mode or the built in Dreamweaver tools as my work has been coded by hand. Sublime Text 2 is a nice editor, but I still haven’t got all the ins-and-outs figured out.