Eagle’s Nest B&B

Eagle’s Nest B&B

Website Makeover
I selected this local Okanagan small business because I could see room for improvement on their visual presentation and content organization.

Eagle’s Nest B&B website recommendations


  • Overall style – modern, comfortable, warm, masculine
  • Better image slider representing the property and its amenities and location.
  • Different font treatment
  • Larger focus on client testimonials. People want to know that the representation of the property is accurate and that people have enjoyed it before booking themselves
  • Larger focus on the experience – what does the property look like. People want to know exactly what they are getting.
  • Strong call to action to book or to contact for more information
  • More visual focus on location and activities in the area.
  • Images need to be more prominent.
  • Professional images will give a better impression
  • Site should be responsive so users can view on desktop, tablet and mobile


  • Fix broken links throughout – either fill with content or remove as links.
  • Possible widget or tie-in for booking.com site so you stay in the actual website instead of going externally. Do they have a calendar so you can see what dates are available rather than having to check date after date
  • Any other payment types taken through the site or just paypal?
  • Direct link to tripadvisor


  • Are there any cross referenced listings (like Airbnb?)
  • Full listing of what sites the property is listed on and report of where the most referrals come from
  • Any social media activity?


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